Thursday, October 31, 2019

Oil and gas correlation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Oil and gas correlation - Research Paper Example It would therefore be important to explain why and the possible reveres resolution (Ross 42). There has been an increased shift towards use of gas in production of domestic electricity against the small oil use. This factor explains the increasing trend of negative correlation between the two commodities as noted from late 1970s (Roberts 51). It is also evident that from 1991, the import of oil by US had reduced but this still represented approximately 40% of the consumption by US against a paltry 5% of gas consumption by the US (YeÃŒ pez-Garcia, Rigoberto , and Julie 86). This is an evident case to support the observed negative correlation. The increasing local production of gas by US in 1980s led to the increased supply of gas which affected prices locally and internationally but exhibited consistent trend towards a positive correlation with oil prices (YeÃŒ pez-Garcia, Rigoberto , and Julie 86) . Increased technological advancement which has seen a rise in gas fuelled cars is likely to push the gas prices up. This would initiate the positive correlation between the two commodities. It is also predicted that increased export of LNG by US to the global market will promote the chances of gas offering competition to oil thereby moving in the same direction in terms of prices (CretiÌ€

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What is wrong with the education system Research Paper

What is wrong with the education system - Research Paper Example Moreover, the quality and quantity of services provided by teachers can be directly linked to the aspect of teacher tenure and union of education, considering that these aspects focus on the welfare of teachers while overlooking the welfare of students and the education system as a whole. Teacher Tenure The biggest factor in consideration with teacher tenure is the fact that it enhances complacency of teachers being covered by the tenureship policy, since they cease to fear placing their jobs under risks. In consideration to enhancement of complacency among teachers, it becomes certain that quantity and quality of services being offered by these teachers may be compromised. More so, teachers who are seen to openly compromise quality and quantity of work cannot be easily fired, since, compared to regular teachers, it is more expensive and hard to fire tenured teachers. This is due to the fact that there is a lengthy and complex documentation process that seeks to prove that unsatisfac tory and poor performance of the tenure teacher to be fired. Other than proving and documenting the poor performance claims of a tenured teacher, a court of law must critically scrutinize the allegations agree to the claims (Nixon, Packard and Douvanis, 2007, p. 43-45). Administrators often seek to weed out poorly performing teachers in an effort to improve education standards; however, weeding out under performing teachers who are tenured is more costly than retaining them. This aspect of retention leads to accumulation of non-performing teachers and thus consequently affecting the education system as a whole. The education system is in a crisis considering the fact that teachers’ performance is critical to the success of the students and the education system as a whole. The profession of teachers needs to recruit and retain the brightest and best teachers with promotion, security and other benefits being emphasized on merit. Although teachers need security and employment as surance from unjustified lose of job probably from political influences, the systems should not overprotect them to the extent that performance issues are compromised (Philips, 2009, p.3). Retaining the best teachers needs to start from the principals being able to evaluate and fire their teachers with regards to student achievement and performance standards of teachers. Poor performance of teachers needs to be critically dealt with given the fact that many students come from unstable homes and therefore highly in need of well performing teacher in order to boost their quality of education irrespective of their unstable lives. Teachers should be judged based on the teaching services they render and their ability to impact positively on the lives of students in the classrooms they teach. Teacher tenure negatively impacts on the education system although the policy was basically meant to establish fair procedures to protect teachers from political, discriminatory, and personal treatme nt by employers. The policy has however been misused to protect incompetent teachers rather protecting competent teachers to enable high retention of best teachers for fostering high education standards. However, employers can overcome incompetence factor by hiring competent teachers who are qualified with regards to real performance issue. Teacher tenure should only be used to protect teachers from injustice and politics school boards and external powers may use against them and ensure teachers

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dealing With Global Income Inequality and its Consequences

Dealing With Global Income Inequality and its Consequences Tim Mulligan Problem Background: The passing of time has generally served to benefit many of the problems revolving international relations. As time has progressed, so have human development policies, international organizations and missions for global peacekeeping. Time has brought us to an era where nuclear weapons have made all-out war is obsolete, and where greater efforts towards controlling climate change are technologically possible. Time has not served the world’s income inequality well, though. Income inequality is one of international relations seemingly insurmountable obstacles and this can be attributed to several factors that have continuously plagued and complicated the issue. Although recent studies may report increases in the world’s average income within the past few decades, rates of economic inequality have largely remained the same. (Milanovic, para. ) Moreover, the income inequality rates of the world have risen seventeen percent since the year 1820 and only show signs of continuing this pattern. (â€Å"Breaking the Camels Back†) These global rates have experienced rises and falls in correlation to the well-being of the world’s economy, higher equality in positive economic times and lower equality in times of economic crisis. But, the explanation for why income inequality has fallen—and continues to fall—transcends the simple explanation of poor economy=poor economic equality and good economy=good economic equality. The worlds declining rate of equality is a product of a number of internal and international aspects including governmental policies, ethnic discrepancies, colonization and the earth’s limited re sources, all of which have undermined the financial equality of individuals for centuries. The complexity in the causality of this issue is what makes the development and implementation of appropriate international policies such a difficult task. It is also important to note that income inequality does not strictly affect individuals, but also has a large impact on states and furthermore the world as a whole. The income inequality of individuals within a state or nation will often be indicative of the state’s overall power and more importantly its stability. Everything from economic influence, military power, the standard of living, and political participation are byproducts of a state’s level of income inequality. This is because the individuals who experience this degree of poverty typically go unrepresented, either because the wealthy control the interests of the state or because they are under a dictatorship that does not allow them representation. Without equal representation politically and economically, states often face internal struggles with rebellion, constant regime changes, education, extreme poverty and even civil war. These are indicators of a â€Å"failed state†, which is a state in which the government is not in control of its citizens. This lack of stability can shut down government, international trading, national defense, human development and other things that are imperative not only to internal stability, but to relations with the rest of the world. Analysis of the Policy Problem: Several experts provide potential policy options for the improvement of global income inequality levels: Robert Muggah suggests that positive changes in income inequality and poverty are rooted in the structure and policies of urban city governments. He approaches the issue on the basis that the governments of dense urban cities have a more direct impact on the level of income inequality throughout the world than state governments. His emphasis is on communication between city mayors and citizens as well as communication and cooperation between poor cities and wealthy cities. (Muggah, Urban Renaissance) Muggah takes a liberal and very unique approach to the problem. In his expert opinion, he believes that local mayors need to be more receptive to the opinions of their citizens. This is in order to generate an agenda that better embodies the opinions of those who may go unrepresented because of their impoverished status. Muggah believes that the most commonly shared opinions may not in fact be the ones that are receiving treatment through policies and that a better line of communication between government and citizen could bring about more effective governing in regards to dealing with income inequality. (Muggah, Urban Rennaissance) Muggah also finds value in unifying wealthy cities with poor cities. He views this not only as a source of financial aid for struggling cities, but also as an opportunity for impoverished cities to observe potentially more effective income inequality policies. (Muggah, Urban Rennaissance) A second policy position to observe is that of David Dollar and Aart Kraay. They take a stance promoting the benefits of globalization as a means of lowering the level of income inequality throughout the world. They believe that many countries with high rates of income inequality are in such a state because they lack a connection with other, richer countries. They are losing the battle of income inequality internally without looking outward for opportunity and aid from other countries. Dollar and Kraay also stress the idea that the economic decisions of powerful countries play a huge role in the level of global inequality. (Dollar, Kraay, A Rising Tide) The primary point of Dollar and Kraay is that countries that are struggling with income inequality need to find opportunities in international trade and foreign investments. This is because the improvement of impoverished countries is at the will of the world’s more powerful countries. They believe that rich countries that deny economic integration with poor countries need to be dealt consequences or be convinced to do otherwise. Another theory of theirs is that poor countries need to construct governing systems that are consistent with the process of globalization. (Dollar, Kraay, A Rising Tide) Branko Milanovic maintains a viewpoint that is contradictory to Dollar and Kraay’s. Milanovic does not find globalism to generate the amount of wealth for a country that is necessary to bring it’s impoverished out of inequality. He stands firmly behind the idea that extreme capitalism has the greatest chance of decreasing the amount of global income inequality. His idea is that the generation of wealth and jobs from capitalists will in turn generate a larger pool of wealth and opportunities to be shared with the poor. (Milanovic, para. 11-20) Milanovic’s argument is that capitalism is an unstoppable force and that mitigating an individual’s desire for more wealth is impossible. Because of this, he believes that it is a better idea to employ capitalism for its economic growth advantages rather than push for individuals to redistribute their funds among the poor. With that said, Milanovic also calls for a reform in the mindset of the modern capitalist that focuses more on entrepreneurship and the saving of wealth rather than illustrious spending. He specifically refers to the winner-take-all attitude that capitalists have taken on since the 1980’s which he believes has caused wealthy businessmen to focus on personal growth rather than expansion that can benefit all. Milanovic finds that a country benefits more from internal wealth and job creation than becoming interdependent with other countries. (Milanovic, para. 13-21) Ryo Arawatari’s policy position is based on the effect that voter turnout has on the income inequality level of countries. Arawatari tested his theory that low voter turnout may have a negative impact on the level of income inequality in a country with a series of mathematical equations. (Arawatari, pg.32- 53)The results of his tests found that there is a significant negative relationship between the two, mathematically speaking. Arawatari proposes that perhaps income inequality could be lower if more citizens that were impoverished voted and provided themselves with representation regarding the distribution of wealth in their country. He also found that lower voter turnout (statistically) stunts a countries GDP growth rate which could in turn increase the level of inequality in the country. Although he does not specifically propose a change in policy, Arawatari analyses the value of voting and democracy as a potential factor to change the level of income inequality globally. (Arawatari, pg. 29-32) It is important to note the variety of policy positions that are presented. The experts that are cited have fairly different viewpoints in regards to addressing the problem of global income inequality. The two views that seem to contain similarities (if any) are Robert Muggah and Ryo Arawatari’s. Both of these experts advocate an increase in citizen-to-government involvement. Muggah promotes the value of communication between citizens and their local government officials and Arawatari promotes the value of the democratic vote. (Muggah, Urban Renaissance) These are both solutions to global income inequality that rely on the internal processes of countries rather than their policies on foreign affairs. Branko Milanovic also proposes a solution that involves countries working from within their borders but he focuses on what wealthy capitalists can do to lower inequality rather than what the impoverished can do for themselves. (Milanovic, pg.13-20) Branko Milanovic and David Dollar and Aart Kraay have the most conflicting policy stances. Milanovic belittles the value of globalization, which on the contrary Dollar and Kraay are strong proponents. They disagree not on whether globalization has a positive effect on global income inequality, but whether this affect is influential enough to cause a swift, significant and positive change in the problem. (Milanovic, pg.13-20) Not only do they contradict each other on which policy provides the greatest reduction in income inequality, Milanovic goes as far as claiming that globalization will not produce results quickly enough. Milanovic includes timeliness as an important tool for the support for his argument which other experts did not appear to touch on. (Milanovic, pg.13-20) Robert Muggah may have the most unique position on the problem of global income inequality. His addressing of global inequality at the local government level provides a far different solution than other experts. As Milanovic, Arawatari, Dollar and Kraay champion policies that take place at the national or international level, Muggah has a grassroots approach which calls for change at the lowest level of government. Not only that, but his policy relies on a humanitarian and moral policy change while the other experts look more into more structural changes and globalization efforts. Muggah proposes working from the bottom up instead of the more popular policies which work form the top down to solve global income inequality. (Muggah, Urban Renaissance) Major Conclusions: The opinions of these experts are drastically different from one another in regards to their range of options and applicability. Robert Muggah’s serves as the most loosely applicable option. As a policy based simply on â€Å"better† communication between urban city mayors and citizens, the policy can hardly be called a policy, as there is no structural way to implement the idea either within a country or on an international level. This policy could only be applied to cities which are a part of democratic regimes and in states that have local governments. (Muggah, Urban Renaissance) Arawatari’s policy is much more comprehensive than it is ad hoc. Arawatari does not propose a structural policy either, he calls for an initiative to increase voter turnout which greatly limits the potential application for his ideology. This policy would also be limited to use in democratic regimes that have an electorate and even more specifically, states with low voter turnout. (Arawatari, pg.29) Milanovic is also proposes a fairly comprehensive policy that could only be exercised by a select group of countries, or individuals for that matter. His advocacy for extreme capitalism would only apply to countries that have a capitalistic economy which is a fairly small percentage of the countries which have high rates of income inequality. Also, the aspect of his argument that calls for modern capitalists to focus more on entrepreneurial values of job growth and distribution is not enforceable by government which limits its application. (Milanovic, para.13-20) Dollar and Kraays policy is the more as hoc of the group. Their advocacy for globalization is not only a policy that can be implemented in nearly every country, but it can also be instituted through the means of foreign policy efforts, economic interdependency and foreign investment. In promoting globalization, Dollar and Kraay are actually advocating the expansion of the applicability of their own policy. (Dollar. Kraay, A Rising Tide) The policies put forth by these experts have applications that would not yield results for a long period of time as income inequality and other such economic factors are not susceptible to quick changes. The complexity and depth of global income inequality alone could cause even the most successful policy to take a significant amount of time to impact the world. Arawatari and Muggah’s policies although being the most abstract of the policies, could yield the quickest results due to their more direct approach to increasing the representation of individuals who are impoverished. Muggah’s policy of communication between citizens and mayors could have an immediate effect on the representation of cities and their potential changes to help increase income equality depending on the legislatures of the city. If the legislature considers the opinions of the impoverished citizens then perhaps change can come about through statutes. (Muggah, Urban Renaissance) Arawatari’s policy of increased voter turnout can also bring about immediate changes in legislature or public figures that can provide for higher rates of income equality for the impoverished. Milanovic, Dollar and Kraay have more long term policies. Milanovics policy hinges upon the changing of the mindset of capitalists which may not be a goal to rely on as it is abstract. Also his advocacy for extreme capitalism would not generate an immediate change in income inequality because even if the mindsets of capitalists were to align right with his proposed ideal, these individuals could take decades to make an impact that would have an effect on an entire countries economy. (Milanovic, para. 9-20) Dollar and Kraays globalization policy would take the longest not only to implement, to take effect. Creating economic interdependency and expanding relations with other counties alone is a task, but the economic growth that would be expected to follow would take even longer. There are also many factors that can inhibit the policies continuity like war, terrorism and global economic crisis. References Arawatari, Ryo. Informatization, Voter Turnout and Income Inequality. Journal of Economic Inequality 7, no. 1 (2007): 29-54. Accessed April 27, 2015. doi:March 2009. Breaking the Camels Back. The Economist. October 4, 2014. Accessed April 15, 2015. Dollar, David, and Aart Kraay. Spreading the Wealth. Foreign Affairs. January 1, 2002. Accessed March 20, 2015. Milanovic, Branko. Inequality and Its Discontents. Foreign Affairs. August 12, 2011. Accessed March 28, 2015. Muggah, Robert. Fixing Fragile Cities. Foreign Affairs. January 15, 2015. Accessed March 20, 2015.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Racism versus Civil Rights Movement Essay -- African-American Civil Rig

"Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won. You earn it and win it in every generation." -Coretta Scott King, page666 The 1960's were a time of great turmoil in America and throughout the world. One of the main topics that arouse was black civil rights. In my essay I plan to compare the difference of opinion between these particular writers and directors, towards racism and the civil rights movement in the 1960's The movement truly got underway with civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King jr. and Malcolm X in the early 1960's. Students who wanted to bolt on the equality and protest bandwagon quickly followed. Most of the students went to the Southern states (Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, etc.), to stop the racism and hate crimes. The truth of the matter is that the violence and abhorrence would get worse before it got better. The Klan became stronger and more violent, committing many more lynching and gruesome murders. Bit by bit most of the Caucasian Americans came around to the idea of integration, and did not believe that the African Americans as a 'threat' anymore. The only reason that this great monumental change occurred was because of the great leadership of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King jr., and not to mention the thousands of other less famous civil rights leaders, that worked to change the views of their community. There also where lobbyist and protesters that risked there lives and went out on a limb to struggle against injustice. All factors, put together, made one of the better most changes of the twentieth century. Rob Rheiner (the director of Ghost of Mississippi) has successfully portrayed the blatant dishonesty towards blacks by the police force and Mississippi courts. On one occasion when the accused murderer was in court, the Govener of the state went up and shook hands right in front of the victim's wife. Another example of dishonesty against blacks was that a retired judge had taken home murder weapons (mainly from the African American murders) and kept them as souvenirs. It was later discovered that the police officers had also taken home evidence from crimes against the African Americans, for souvenirs. The murderer portrayed a "couldn't care less" attitude during the first trial in 1962 and the retrial in 1992. He knew that he would be f... ...e a fatal mistake, many times. Quotes "We don't except Jews because they reject Christ and have control of international banking cartels, they are the root of what we call communism today. We do not accept papists, because they bow to a Roman dictator; Turks, Mongols, Tartars, Orientals, or Negro's because we are here to protect Anglo-Saxon democracy for Americans."(page 3) "One day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and girls as sister's and brother's."(page 3) "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of it's creed."(page 2) "Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won. You earn it and win it in every generation." -Coretta Scott King(page1) Bibliography Bibliography The Ghost of Mississippi; Rob Rheiner; Columbia Tristar; 1992 Bernard Aquina Doctor; Malcolm X; 1992; Writers and Readers publishing inc. Kira Albin; Quiet Strength: The Faith, the Hope, and the Heart of a Woman Who Changed a Nation; 2000; Zondervan Publishing House Mississippi Burning; Alan Parker; (I don't know the company that produced it); 1988

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Historically Australian Indigenous Art Is Often Politically or Spiritually Motivated Essay

Historically Australian art is often politically or spiritually motivated. This statement is proved by a number of indigenous Australian artists including, Nellie Nakamarra Marks, who uses traditional techniques and motives to relay her spirituality, and Tony Albert, who recontextualises mainstream items, to create a postmodern collection, challenging the idea of stereotypical representations in mainstream culture. All spiritual beliefs in Aboriginal culture relate back to the idea of creation and dreaming. The dreaming is the ongoing cultural and spiritual progression that informs identity and knowledge, which is expressed through traditional indigenous art. This reflects a spiritual connection to the land, which is represented by signs and symbols as well as other various techniques, which are unique to traditional indigenous art. Signs and symbols can represent a particular location, object or landmark, or a particular story or totem that would be specific to a particular tribe, corroboree or dreamtime story. In traditional indigenous artworks, there is no perspective or fixed vanishing points for landscape artworks because indigenous Australians do not see their environment as a landscape, but their particular world and universe. They create a concept of place by using signs and symbols to create a map-like artwork, which represents their particular ‘world’ and universe. Essentially, traditional indigenous Australian artists are painting their spirituality, by expressing their connection to the land through signs, symbols and their world. Nellie Nakamarra Marks is a traditional indigenous artist, from the east of Kintore in the Northern Territory. In her work Kalipinypa, there is no set pattern and everything is connected which suggests her spiritualty and connection with the land. Her use of the traditional form of dot painting for her particular area of the Central Desert Region symbolises her world as she sees it, and how she heard about it through stories. In the middle of the right hand side there is lack of colour, which could symbolise a particular place that has particular spiritual significance. The dark shapes also look like leaves, which could represent the end of season and the coming of autumn, which is supported by the deep, vibrant colours in the painting. The colours also represent her region and place in Australia. The many different varieties of the same shapes could symbolise diversity within their own tribe, as well as the different shapes and movements of the land. The purpose of this artwork is to educate and pass on a particular story to younger generations. Postmodern art challenges mainstream ideas, which usually creates a political or social statement about modern society. Contemporary indigenous art in particular would be classified as postmodern because the artists are communicating their feelings and thoughts about certain aspects of society in modern Australia, which in turn, challenges some pre conceived notions about indigenous Australians in today’s society. These particular works by Tony Albert are postmodern, because he recontextualises items from recent history, that were used to create an unrealistic connection between White Australia and indigenous Australia in the 50’s and 60’s, to challenge history, both politically and socially. Tony Albert’s collection recycles kitsch black velvet paintings produced in Australia in the 1950’s and 1960’s. These velvet paintings were very popular in the last fifty years as home decorations, and like many objects from this period, they were characterized by their depictions of Aboriginal people as simple folk. These ornaments enabled white Australians of the time to have a distant and unrealistic connection to indigenous people. Albert recontextualises these paintings by introducing stenciled slogans to the paintings to create a complex and identifiable character. He uses the languages of politics and pop culture to reconnect the artworks with modern Australia and therefore reality. These slogans reclaim the faces of the aboriginals, transferring them from helpless and cute, to bold and complex, which asserts a modern identity and sense of self. This makes the characters more personal, which then creates a connection between the viewer and the subject that is mimicked throughout the collection. The slogans are derived from pop songs, nursery rhymes, advertising, political speeches and life stories, which has launched these velvet paintings into a new identity, which enables the viewer to connect with the characters beyond a stereotyped context. The generic and common velvet paintings have become empowered and personalized, asserting a new sense of self, which makes this collection truly compelling. This collection by Tony Albert, addresses the issue of stereotypical representations of indigenous Australians in mainstream culture. He challenges this present and historic issue of cultural alienation and displacement experienced by Indigenous Australians by appropriating slogans and recontextualising them to create a sense of lost identity and estrangement. Through the use of many different mediums, Aboriginal artists are motivated by their spirituality or political standpoint to produce art. This is shown by Nellie Nakamarra Marks, who is motivated by her connection to the land and her spirituality, and Tony Albert, who was trying to communicate the stereotypical views of indigenous Australians in mainstream culture. Kalipinypa – NELLIE NAKAMARRA MARKS Acrylic on linen, 90? 90cm Kalipinypa – NELLIE NAKAMARRA MARKS Acrylic on linen, 90? 90cm.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Succubus Blues CHAPTER 25

Sometimes you wake up from a dream. Sometimes you wake up in a dream. And sometimes, every once in a while, you wake up in someone else's dream. â€Å"If he wanted to carry me off and make me his love slave, I'd do it, so long as I got advance copies of his books.† My first words spoken to Seth as I passionately discussed his work. Seth's initial impression of me. Head held high, hair tossed over my shoulder. A flippant remark always at the ready. Grace under fire. A cool social confidence introverted Seth could never muster but envied. How can she do that? Never miss a beat? Later, my rambling explanation of the five-page rule, a goofy habit he found infinitely endearing. Someone else who appreciated literature, viewing it like fine wine. Smart and deep. And beautiful. Yes, beautiful. I saw myself now as Seth had seen me that night: the short skirt, the racy purple top, brilliant as a bird's plumage. Like some exotic creature, hopelessly out of place in the bookstore's dreary landscape. All of this was in Seth, the past of his growing feelings for me mingling with the present, and I drank everything up. Not just beautiful. Sexy. Sensual. A goddess made flesh whose every move hinted at passion to come. The dress strap slipping off my shoulder. Faint beads of perspiration on my cleavage. Standing in his kitchen, clad only in that ridiculous Black Sabbath shirt. No underwear on under that. Wonder what it'd be like to wake up with her next to me, messy and untamed. It all spilled into me. More and more. He would watch me at the bookstore. Loved watching me interact with customers. Loved that I seemed to know something about everything. The witty dialogue he pondered for his characters coming to my lips without hesitation. Amazing. Never met anyone who talks like that in real life. My bartering with the used book store owner. A charisma that drew in shy, quiet Seth, made me glow in his eyes. Made him feel more confident. Still his feelings rushed through me. I had never felt anything like it. Certainly I had felt attraction and fondness in my victims, but never such love, not directed at me. Seth thought I was sexy, yes. Desired me. But that raw lust juxtaposed with something softer too. Something sweeter. Kayla sitting on my lap, small blond head against my chest as I braided her hair. A brief shifting of the image as he momentarily considered his own daughter on my lap. Fierce and witty on one hand, gentle and vulnerable on the other. My inebriated state at his condo. A swell of protectiveness as he led me to bed, watching me hours after I'd gone to sleep. He thought no less of me for the weakness, for my lapse of control and judgment. It was a letting down of my walls for him, a sign of imperfection that made him love me more. Further and further I drank, my desperate and weakened state unable to stop. â€Å"Why doesn't she date?† Seth asked Cody. Cody? Yes, there he was, in the back of Seth's mind. A memory. Cody secretly giving Seth swing lessons, neither of them telling me, instead making up vague excuses for why they always had to be â€Å"somewhere.† Seth, trying so hard to make his feet obey so he could dance with me and be closer to me. â€Å"She's afraid,† the vampire replied. â€Å"She thinks love causes pain.† Love causes pain. Yes, Seth loved me. Not the crush I'd imagined. Not a superficial attraction I thought I'd dissuaded. It was more, so much more. I embodied everything in a woman he could ever imagine: humor, beauty, intelligence, kindness, strength, charisma, sexuality, compassion†¦ His soul seemed to have recognized mine, drawn uncontrollably toward me. He loved me with a depth of feeling I could not even begin to tap into, though believe me, I tried. I wanted it. I wanted to feel it all, to suck up that burning within him. To consume it. Set myself on fire with it. Georgina! Somewhere far away, someone called to me, but I was too into Seth. Too into absorbing that strength within him, that strength fused with his feelings for me. Feelings brought on, amplified even, by kissing. Lips soft and eager. Hungry. Demanding. Georgina! I wanted to become one with Seth. I needed to. I needed him to fill me up†¦ physically, mentally, spiritually. There was something there†¦ something concealed inside him I couldn't quite reach, hovering in the background. A tantalizing piece of knowledge I should have long since recognized. You are my life. I needed to get in farther, reach out for more. Find out what was hiding from me. That kiss was my lifeline, my connection with something bigger than myself, something I had been aching for all my life but never known. I couldn't stop. Couldn't stop kissing Seth. Couldn't stop. Couldn't – â€Å"Georgina! Let go!† Rough hands tore me away from Seth, like flesh ripping from my own body. I cried out in agony at the broken connection, fighting the hands that pulled me and held me. I clawed at my captor, needing to find out the secret lurking beyond that kiss, yearning for the completeness of that union with Seth – Seth. My hands dropped, and I blinked, bringing the world back into focus. Reality. I was no longer inside Seth's head; I was still in my apartment. A feeling of solidness settled in me, and I didn't have to look down to know my body had stopped its shifting, my form snapping back to a short, slim woman with honeyed brown hair. The girl I had been long ago was buried within me once more, never to come out if I could help it. Seth's life force now filled me to overflowing. â€Å"Georgina,† murmured Hugh behind me, letting his hands ease up on my arms. â€Å"Christ, you scared me.† Looking across the room, I saw Carter, bedraggled as usual, leaning over Seth's body. â€Å"Oh God – † I sprang up and moved to them, kneeling beside the angel. Seth lay on the floor, skin pale and clammy. â€Å"Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Is he†¦ ?† â€Å"He's alive,† Carter told me. â€Å"Barely.† Stroking Seth's cheek, feeling the fine golden-red haze of his near-beard, I felt tears brimming in my eyes. His breathing came shallow and jagged. â€Å"I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to take so much†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"You did what you had to do. You were in bad shape, could have died.† â€Å"And now Seth might†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Carter shook his head. â€Å"No. He won't. He'll need recovery time, but he'll pull through.† I drew my hand back, half-afraid my touch might harm Seth more. Glancing around, I became aware of the disheveled state of my apartment. It looked worse than Jerome's. Smashed china and glass. Broken tables. Overturned chairs and couch. The unstable bookshelf in pieces at last. From the kitchen, Aubrey hunkered down under the kitchen table, wondering what was going on. I wondered myself. The nephilim were nowhere in sight. What had happened? Had I really missed it all? The epic, divine battle of the century, and I had missed it for a kiss? Admittedly, a really good kiss, but still†¦ â€Å"Where is†¦ everyone else?† â€Å"Jerome's off doing, uh, damage control with your neighbors.† â€Å"That doesn't sound good.† â€Å"Standard practice. Supernatural battles aren't exactly quiet, you know. He'll do a little mind erasing, make sure no authorities get notified.† I swallowed, afraid to ask my next question. â€Å"What about†¦ what about the nephilim ?† Carter studied me, gray eyes holding me long and hard. â€Å"I know, I know,† I said at last, looking down, unable to return that gaze. â€Å"There's no ten years and parole, right? You destroyed them.† â€Å"We destroyed†¦ one of them.† I looked up sharply. â€Å"What? What about the other one?† â€Å"He got away.† He.My looming tears slipped out now; I could not control them. For you, I'll walk away. â€Å"How?† Carter laid a hand on Seth's forehead as though taking vital stats and then turned back to me. â€Å"It all happened really fast. He masked and went invisible in the confusion, while we were taking on the other one. And honestly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The angel looked at my closed front door, then at Hugh and me. â€Å"What?† I whispered. â€Å"I'm not†¦ I'm not entirely convinced Jerome didn't let him get away. He wasn't expecting two. I wasn't either, though I should have, in retrospect. After killing the first one†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Carter shrugged. â€Å"I don't know. Hard to say what happened. â€Å" â€Å"Then he'll be back,† I realized, fear and relief blending weirdly in me over the thought of Roman's escape. â€Å"He'll be back†¦ and he won't be happy with me.† â€Å"I don't think that'll be a problem,† the angel observed. Gently, he lifted Seth up and walked to my overturned couch. A moment later, it flipped over untouched, righting itself. Carter laid Seth on it and continued speaking. â€Å"He took a real beating – the other nephilim. A really bad beating. I can't believe he had the power left to hide himself from us; I still keep expecting to feel him again any minute. If he's smart, he's running as fast and far from us as he can right now, getting out of our range – out of any immortal's range – so he can drop his shields and rest.† â€Å"Then what?† asked Hugh. â€Å"He's in bad shape. It'll take him a long time to recover. When he does, he knows he doesn't have the backup to return here again.† â€Å"He could still take on me,† I noted, shivering as I remembered Roman's wrath toward me at the end. It was hard to believe we'd been wrapped in each other's arms, caught in the throes of passion, less than twenty-four hours ago. â€Å"He could take you on,† agreed Carter. â€Å"But he can't take me on. Or Jerome. He certainly can't take both of us on. That was what decided it, in the end. They didn't expect that. Us teamed together. It'll give him pause to just come bursting back here, even if you alone pose no threat.† I didn't find that reassuring in the least. I thought of Roman, passionate and rebellious, always eager to make a point against the system. That personality type lent itself well to revenge. I had tricked him, made love to him, and then betrayed him, resulting in the annihilation of his plans – and his sister. Thank God for my sister. She's the only one I have, the only mainstay in my life. He might pause, as Carter had suggested, but not for long. Of that, I was certain. â€Å"He'll be back,† I whispered, more to myself. â€Å"Someday he'll be back.† Carter gave me a steady look. â€Å"Then we will deal with him then.† My front door opened, and Jerome entered. He looked neat and prim, hardly like he'd just been in an apocalyptic battle with his own offspring. â€Å"Housekeeping all done?† asked Carter. â€Å"Yes.† The demon's eyes darted over to Seth. â€Å"He's alive?† â€Å"Yes.† Angel and demon locked eyes then, and a tense moment of palpable silence hung between them. â€Å"How fortuitously unexpected,† Jerome murmured at last. â€Å"I could have sworn he was dead. Well. Miracles happen every day. I suppose we'll have to wipe him now.† I stood up. â€Å"What are you talking about?† â€Å"Nice to have you back with us again, Georgie. You look lovely, by the way.† I glared at him, angry at his joke, knowing it was Seth's energy giving me the succubus glamour now. â€Å"What do you mean you have to ‘wipe' him?† â€Å"What do you think? We can't let him walk away after everything he's seen. I'll diminish a little of his affection for you while I'm at it; he's a liability to you.† â€Å"What? No. You can't do that.† Jerome sighed, putting on the look of one who suffered long and hard. â€Å"Georgina, do you have any idea what he was just exposed to? He has to be wiped. We can't let him know about us.† â€Å"How much of me will you take from him?† Pieces of Seth's memories – my memories, now – glittered in my head like jewels. â€Å"Enough so that he forgets he has any more than a passing knowledge of you. You've been even more negligent with your job than usual these last few weeks.† I hardly thought that was Seth's fault; Roman had helped too. â€Å"Both of you will function much better if he finds some mortal woman to obsess on instead.† Don't you want to stand out in some way? Carter's taunting question from what seemed like an eternity ago whispered in my head. â€Å"You don't have to do this. You don't have to take me out with the rest.† â€Å"If I'm already in there, I might as well clear you too. There's no way he can just go on as usual after being exposed to denizens of the divine realms. Even you have to agree with that.† â€Å"Some mortals know about us,† I argued. â€Å"Like Erik. Erik knows, and he keeps it to himself.† In fact, I realized suddenly, Erik had kept Helena's secret to himself as well. He had figured it out after working with her over the years but had never revealed the full truth, only doling out small clues for me. â€Å"Erik is a special case. He has a gift. An ordinary mortal like this one couldn't handle it.† Jerome walked over to my couch, looking at Seth dispassionately. â€Å"It's better this way.† â€Å"No. Please,† I cried, running over to Jerome and pulling his sleeve. â€Å"Please don't.† The archdemon turned to me, dark eyes cold and shocked that I would dare grab hold of him like that. I knew then, cringing under that gaze, that something in our fond, indulgent relationship had changed forever – something small, but important nonetheless. I didn't know what had done it. Maybe it had been Seth. Maybe it had been Roman. Maybe it had been something else altogether. All I knew was that it had happened. â€Å"Please,† I begged, ignoring how desperate I must sound. â€Å"Please don't. Don't take me from him†¦ out of his head like that. I'll do anything you want. Anything.† I brushed a hand over my eyes, attempting to look calm and in control, knowing I was failing. One eyebrow shifted ever so slightly on Jerome's face, the only hint that I had piqued his interest. The term â€Å"deal with the devil† had not arisen lightly; few demons could resist a bargain. â€Å"What could you possibly offer me? The sex thing only worked on my son, so don't even think about trying it now.† â€Å"Yes,† I agreed, voice growing stronger as I plunged forward. â€Å"It worked on him. It works on all sorts of men. I'm good, Jerome. Better than you know. Why do you think I'm the only succubus in this city? It's because I'm one of the best. Before I hit this funk†¦ this, I don't know, whatever mood I've been in for a while now, I could have any man I wanted. And not just simply for their strength and life force. I could manipulate them. Make them do anything I asked, talk them into acts of sin they never would have dreamed of before meeting me. And they would do it. They'd do it, and they'd like doing it.† â€Å"Go on.† I took a deep breath. â€Å"You're tired of the ‘all lowlifes, all the time,' right? Me being negligent? Well, I can change that. I can raise your stock higher than you've ever dreamed. I've done it before. All you have to do is let Seth go. Let him keep his memories intact. All of them.† Jerome studied me a moment, mind working. â€Å"All the ‘stock' in the world won't do me any good if he runs around blathering about what he's seen.† â€Å"Then we'll see if he can handle it first. When he recovers and wakes up, we'll talk to him. If he doesn't look like he'll be able to cope with it all†¦ well, then you can erase his memories.† â€Å"Who will make the call if he can cope or not?† I hesitated, not wanting that decision in the demon's hands. â€Å"Carter will. Carter can tell if someone's telling the truth.† I looked at the angel. â€Å"You'll know if it's okay, right? Okay for him to know†¦ about us?† Carter gave me an odd look, one I could not interpret. â€Å"Yes,† he finally admitted. â€Å"What about your end?† asked Jerome. â€Å"Will you hold it up – even if Carter decides he's unsafe?† That was harsh. I had a feeling Jerome wouldn't negotiate on this one, but I was willing to risk it, so confident did I feel about Seth's capacity to process immortal activity. I opened my mouth, about to agree, when I caught Hugh shaking his head at me out of the corner of my eye. Frowning, he tapped his watch, mouthing something I couldn't understand at first. Then, it clicked. Time. I had listened to the imp talk about his job enough to know the rules of negotiation: never make an open-ended deal with a demon. â€Å"If Seth keeps his memories, I'll walk the succubus straight and narrow for a century. If they have to be erased anyway, then I'll still do it for†¦ a third of that.† â€Å"Half,† countered Jerome. â€Å"We aren't mortal. Even a century is nothing on the face of eternity.† â€Å"Half,† I agreed dully, â€Å"but no more than survival dictates. I'm not going to do this every day, if that's what you're thinking. I'll only get fixes as I need them, but they'll be strong ones. Very strong – loaded with sin. With men of good caliber, that'll be†¦ oh, every four to six weeks.† â€Å"I want better than that. Extra credit. Every couple of weeks, whether you need it or not.† I closed my eyes, unable to fight anymore. â€Å"Every couple of weeks.† â€Å"Very well,† said Jerome, a warning note in his voice. â€Å"But you will be held to this agreement unless I choose to terminate it for some reason. Not you. There will be no wiggling out for you.† â€Å"I know. I know, and I accept.† â€Å"Shake then.† He extended his hand to me. Not hesitating, I took it, and power crackled briefly around us. The demon smiled thinly. â€Å"We have a deal.†